Chakras as nodes of spiritual resonance

Chakras are special points along our spine. They come from Indian spiritual belief. They represent foci of specific types of energy.

There are 7 chakras, distributed from the bottom of the spine to above the head. Each one has a specific color, name, location and series of attributes. They are commonly represented as lotus blossoms, with a specific number of petals corresponding to the various attributes and each one with a specific sound.

What are these chakras? Why are they located in specific positions? Why do they have all these attributes associated with them? Let’s see if I can clarify and answer some of these questions.

The highest chakra, sahasrara, with 1000 petals is located above the head. This chakra is the most complicated with the highest energy level. It is the pinnacle of the chakras. This chakra must be the one that acts as the original source of energy that supplies the other, lower chakras. Where does this energy come from?

As the chakra is above our heads, the energy must come from above our physical being. This chakra must act as a conduit to higher energy states. Some parallel concepts include the ‘clear white light’ of the Tibetans, Alice Bailey’s “Ray of Creation”, etc. This energy radiates downward, illuminating all of existence and the spiritual body.

The other chakras have some relation to this highest chakra. Each chakra has a quality associated with it, a color, a sound, a number of petals and a series of positive and negative attributes associated with petal. As the chakras go down the spine, their attributes and qualities become less refined, from spiritual sight to speech to emotion to digestion to reproduction to elimination. This shows that some quality of the original energy has become less refined at each step.

It seems that each chakra is a point at which energy resonates and some of that energy is lost. Thus, by the time that the bottom is reached, the grossest energy is the only energy that remains.

Therefore, a chakra can be defined as a point of resonance from an unlimited energy source located above the head, where specific qualities and energies are focused and dissipated throughout the body. The lotus petals signify the resonance quality and amount.

This concept has similarities to harmonics in a vibrating string. The chakras can be laid out as a harmonic progression. As the source is reached, the harmonics get closer together. The secret chakras and realms that exist as the thousand petal lotus is approached show this.

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