We’re doomed, or are we?

Please tip the writer. It’s just five bucks. If you need essential oils, please get in touch. Let me know if you or someone you know needs web design/development-my rates aren’t bad, and I’m pretty good at it. Offsite/off-hours only.

I want to say that the long nightmare is over, but it’s really just beginning. I read several pessimistic articles this morning on the way in. I’m not going to link them here-there’s just too much bad news to bother spreading more. Suffice it to say, we need to find ways to undo our impact on climate and the ecosystem, and reverse the divisive nature of our politics. Maybe that’s what I should be working on rather then Anthrodev. Or maybe anthrodev is the solution…or Thanos snapping his fingers.

Tuesday morning-last night was better-I woke up once, maybe twice. No pain while going to sleep. We are out of $$$, and in negative land. Hard to get motivated. I’m hurting now. W/o-no arms again, S came and did cardio and I showed her how to lift on really light weights and stretching. No t’ai chi for her. My shoulder’s getting better, but not there yet. Finally got my technical issue resolved. That’s a relief.
It’s Friday, going to be a tight month. The raise nets to something, but a big bill to pay. Didn’t sleep well at all last night-so tired.
Now, Monday. Was so tired this morning. Actually slept a little on the train. Not much else of note: usual weekend-tidy, laundry, vacuum, shopping. Got a new bed for S. Delicious pot pie last night, my wife is a binz maven. W/o Friday and last night-I did a full 30 mins running, but slow-will be increasing pace over the next week. My shoulder still hurts-tough to sleep, skipping arm lifts.
Thursday-trying to get a final production release out-and hopefully it’s done with this QA push. I’m tired. Tue. w/o was 28 mins at 5 mph-just about my limit, and legs only. If I can keep to this, cut down on sugar in coffee & after dinner, I might lose some weight. My shoulder is improved, and I think I’ll go back to arms tomorrow. Now Friday-getting last-minute changes in-luckily nothing big. So far-it’s only 11. And it ended with a few minor things. Hopefully the deployment will go OK.
It’s Monday-didn’t sleep so well last night. The air quality is in the orange-the sun was a fine shade of orange this morning. Weekend was ok-deployment went fine, except a glitch with an external service being down. Tidied Sat., the usual-the vacuum had a huge clog. Watched Avengers infinity war. M can see Thanos’ point, I debated it, because we live in an energy-rich and resource rich Universe-local shortages and Universe-wide limits are really only important over Galactic scales. We also watched the new “In search of” and talked about time travel. Picked up C & J from school, went to the bins and drove them to her house.
Church Sun., go to Woodstock Farmer’s Market to stand around the Micha’el booth-got sunburned. Home, lazy, just the basics-kitchen, laundry, tidy. W/o Fri. and Sun.-I ran 2.5 miles in a half hour! That’s a milestone-it means my shape is improving-I started out last October with light cycling, moved to walking Thanksgiving, running April. I had been doing walk/run intervals, and moved to a full 30 mins run last week. I think I’ll cycle between full run, intervals and elliptical/stairs. No idea whether to move to multiple lifting routines-with a limited quantity of machines my options are limited. I think I’ll revise the cards to accommodate what I have.

Links. brighter side: I got nuttin’-I could post cute pictures of kittens, otters and puppies, or uplifting stories of people helping each other and the natural world…but not feeling it today. Not so bright: everything else.

Page 23, Sentence 5: “Once the cocoon solidifies, it’s practically impenetrable, but what’s more is that it is equipped with razor-sharp, whip-like tendrils that lash out against any perceived threats.”, Best American Comics 2017; “Fig. D: Everything’s in order, officer.”, This Book Will Change Your Life; “For a rose to bloom, the root, stem, and leaf have first to develop.”, The Human Life; “Led by three young Black Minorca pullets, the hens made a determined effort to thwart Napoleon’s wishes.”, Animal Farm

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