Asymptotes and the folding of the planes

The asymptote as a fundamental image of progress is an apt metaphor. It can be applied to many things, including spiritual thought.

If we look at the asymptote as a way of representing increased energy levels or spiritual refinement, several interesting corollaries occur. If we are looking at increases of energy Kundalini most readily comes to mind. Associated with Kundalini is the chakras. If we look at the asymptote as a representation of Kundalini energy, the chakras are waypoints of specific energy states, energy quantum levels. Progress in achieving higher spiritual levels is measured by the chakra level.

So what happens when you reach the end of the curve? You have achieved oneness with positive infinity. Because all infinities are equal, this leads you to the negative infinity on the next higher energy state. This is a spiral effect.

Basically, you rise to the next plane of existence, to start the rise to positive infinity again.

Another useful application of the asymptote metaphor is the general spiritual progress of mankind. The metaphor can be applied to the Great Ages of mankind concept, much as it was used in the chakras. Each succeeding great age can be seen as a chakra.

Increases in population can be seen as one effect of the exponential curve. Increases in spiritual refinement and “spiritual density”, i.e. higher levels of mind use also follow the curve. This also implies a more or less continual increase, with the chakra points as spiritual turning points in the age sequence, analogous to millennia.

Another use of the asymptote idea is in the classifying of the axes. Any convenient dualistic concept, such as good/evil, coarse/fine, ignorance/knowledge, nothing/everything, yin/yang, etc., can be represented on the axes. Here, I am trying to represent spiritual ideas, with the energy spiral and the “folding” of asymptotes as a progression of opposites reconciling then splitting apart at a higher level. To reach the reconciliation, one must travel along the curve to the zenith or apex at the relevant axis.

So what does this all mean? Let’s try to find out where we are on the curve for the great ages concept. As a population graph, we are fairly high on the curve and climbing rapidly. On a spiritual level, density is changing, mainly due to the increased number of people in existence. In a more realistic sense, the increase in esoteric writings and teachings reaching publication and the quality of spiritual ideas suggests an increase from the levels of the past, but not a steep increase. There is also a corollary increase of evil, violence and materialism.

These trends may have something to do with a certain level of advancement. There is a point on the asymptote where the axes are in perfect balance. This is the point of equidistance from both axes. There is a tension here between the two concepts on the axes. From another perspective, this is the place where the force needed to cross over to the other axis equally balances the force pulling from the original axis. An appropriate concept would be an abyss-a difficult place that must be crossed to continue to the other side.

This balance can be seen in the reaction to new ideas- a wish for the ideas to disappear and the older ideas to predominate, in the difficulty to concentrate amid the clamor of new things. On the balance there is an equal concentration of both axes attributes, and a corresponding difficulty in expressing increases in spiritual feelings that would affect the jump across the abyss.

To tip the balance, a special effort needs to be made, to impress spirit.

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